martedì, marzo 07, 2006


Grande Clooney

sono lieto per l'Oscar come migliore attore non protagonista assegnato a George per il film Syriana.
sono ancor più lieto per il film Syriana anche se non ha vinto altri premi. la virtù e la verità siano premio a se stesse, tanto per dire la gufata del giorno.
sul prezioso IMDB il database sul cinema più completo che abbia visto, ho trovato un commento di uno spettatore americano, condiviso da molti altri gufo compreso, che trascrivo.

Syriana (2005)

Directed byStephen GaghanWriting credits (WGA) Robert Baer (book) (suggestion)Stephen Gaghan (written by)
User Comments:
147 out of 225 people found the following comment useful:-A political slap in the face reality check, 14 December 2005Author: nolarobert from United States
I walked out of this movie feeling pretty depressed. As a historian, I always knew there have been forces at work in our society that act against the best interest of the average citizen. This film does an excellent job of illustrating just how politics and big business conspire to preserve the status quo which also protects their power and profits. The global interaction depicted in this film shows how all actions have consequences. The thirst our nation has for oil drives the kind of political and business policies that cause anger and hatred towards our nation. This oil addiction has led to an unjust war that was started on lies and disinformation. The result has been the deaths of over 2000 US servicemen and women, thousands more injured and tens of thousands Iraqi dead and wounded. This act has been the best tool Islamic terrorist groups have ever had in attracting followers and money to their cause. Those that attack this film obviously buy into the fantasy that America is involved in Iraq and the Middle East due to our sincere desire to spread "democracy." Anyone who is willing to have an open mind will find this film to be chilling for the implications of the storyline. This film is a must see for those who care about how the behavior of our government and big business impacts us in our everyday lives and how it will contribute to further terrorist attacks for decades to come. A well researched story with excellent actors for the numerous roles. I will buy this as soon as it comes out on DVD.


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